根据密歇根自然资源部的说法, 密歇根州的103个州立公园和138个州立森林露营地加起来超过1.2 million total nights of camping in 2021. When you are in Michigan, you’re never more than a half-hour from a state park, state forest campground, or state trail system.

同样的, wherever you are in Michigan, 你离一处水域永远不会超过六英里——不管那是一条河, inland lake, or one of the Great Lakes. 此外,居民距离这五大湖中的任何一个都不超过85英里. It’s no wonder that once spring approaches, 五大湖州的人们开始考虑购买一艘船或房车. And with Arbor Financial Credit Union’s competitive rate on RV and boat loans, 没有更好的时间来获得更多的回忆在你自己的船或房车.

But how can you make sure you get the best rate? 以下是我们的三个建议,确保你在乘坐新船或房车时不会洗澡.

1. Check Your Credit and Price Shop 

在你和贷款人谈话之前,你应该对你的信用报告有一些了解. If you subscribe to  IDProtect 您可以每90天收到所有三家监控公司的信用报告, 这样你就会知道你的报告上写了什么,你的分数是多少. 你也可以对任何你认为不应该存在的东西采取行动, which could be negatively affecting your score. 如果你正在寻找提高分数和更多信用信息的方法, click here. 如果你的信用是干净的,那么你的利率会更好. Your wallet will thank you.

2. Think 关于 Terms

Term length and rate go hand-in-hand; the shorter term you get, the more likely you are to get a better rate. Not only that, but if your loan has a shorter term, 那么你在贷款期间支付的利息就少了. 如果你能负担得起较高的月供,也许可以考虑一下.

3. Get Pre-Approved First 

当你带着预先批准进入展厅或经销商时, 这样你就不太可能感到压力,接受经销商可能不是最适合你的报价. 你可能会被锁定在一个更高的利率和支付条款,你不想,因为你想确保你得到一个特定的模型. When you go in with a pre-approval in hand, 你可以对你得到的东西很有信心,你有最适合你经济状况的利率.

Arbor Financial has competitive rates for boat and RV loans, and some allow no payments for up to 60 days*. 你可以锁定一个伟大的利率,享受美丽的户外,你的第一笔付款到期之前. Talk to a loan specialist today to find the perfect option for you!

*符合条件的借款人可能有资格将首次付款推迟至多60天, dependent upon credit score and when the loan closes. Interest accrues from date of loan disbursement.


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